No Surgery

PRP Hair Restoration is minimally-invasive and involves no cutting.

Simple and Comfortable

PRP Restoration treatments are simple and with minimal discomfort.

Little to No Side Effects or Downtime

Because we are using your own blood and platelets, there are very few risks and side effects. There is virtually no down-time and recovery due to the minimally invasive nature of the treatment.

Noticeable and Natural-Looking Results

Routine treatments deliver noticeable and natural-looking results that keep others guessing your secret.

A relatively new game-changer on the scene as a natural and non-invasive method to treat male and female hair loss and thinning hair, otherwise known as alopecia.


Much like PRP treatments for a facelift, joints injuries, and scars, when PRP is used for the hair it provides a healthy, nutrient-rich environment for the roots and follicles to grow new hair. Platelets are believed to do this by releasing growth factors, increasing healing, stimulating stems cells in the environment of the hair follicle, and increasing blood supply to the hair follicles.


  • Attract Stem Cells
  • Stimulate The Growth Of Hair Follicles
  • Increase Blood Circulation To Hair Follicles


Treatment Time:

About 30-60 minutes

Performed by:

Licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor


  1. Your blood is drawn and then placed in a centrifuge to extract & concentrate your PRP full of growth factors (responsible for stimulating your body’s natural healing mechanism).
  2. Local anesthesia is given to the nerves of the scalp so you don’t experience any pain.
  3. The highly concentrated is then injected into the scalp.
  4. Your hair is washed and then you may drive home without any assistance. No sedation or any medication is given during the procedure to inhibit your ability to drive or use machinery.

Recommended course:

PRP hair restoration typically requires a series of 3 initial treatments approximately 4-6 weeks apart. Subsequent maintenance treatments are recommended 1-4 times a year. Your naturopathic doctor will discuss a personalized treatment regimen with you.


Consultation: Free Single Treatment: Injections: $650 Multi-Treatment (series of 3-6 treatments): 3 for $1,785 ($595/ea); 6 for $3,300 ($550/ea)



What is PRP?
Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is extracted from your blood and contains 3-5 times more platelets than the normal concentration of platelets in your blood. Platelets are the smallest of the blood cells, but provide powerful growth factors and proteins involved in tissue healing. PRP has been used for years in sports medicine for muscle and tendon injuries, wound healing, joint damage, surgical repair and more. This revolutionary therapy is now being used as a safe and effective way to revitalize skin by using the body’s own organic material thus minimizing adverse reactions and recovery time.
Does PRP Hair Restoration Work?
Individual results vary. Success cannot be guaranteed. Due to the relatively new nature of the procedure, larger clinical studies are pending. However, current medical literature and case reports indicate numerous positive outcomes.
Who Can Benefit From PRP Hair Restoration Treatment?
Men and women who are not candidates for surgery or who want a more aggressive nonsurgical approach to treatment.
Who Should Not Undergo PRP Hair Restoration?
Patients with a history of heavy substance abuse or with a medical diagnosis of platelet dysfunction syndromes, thrombocytopenias, hypofibrinogenaemia, hemodynamic instability, sepsis, acute and chronic infections, chronic liver diseases, anti-coagulation therapy, chronic skin diseases or cancer, metabolic and systemic disorders.
Can I Combine PRP Hair Restoration With Other Medical Therapies Concurrently?
Absolutely. PRP compliments Minoxidil, DHT blockers, and surgical procedures.
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